• 07/13/2017 3:48 PM | Deleted user

    Looking for a session to attend at Apra’s Annual Conference in Anaheim? Join Tanya Ford, Apra Indiana board member, for her session “21 Ways Excel will Make You Love Data Analytics” on Friday, July 28 from 11am – 12:30pm and Stephanie Brouwer, Apra Indiana board member, for her session “Leading with your Strengths: Using StrengthsFinder to Build Successful Relationships” on Friday, July 28 from 3:45pm – 4:30pm. #ApraPD2017

  • 06/30/2017 9:00 AM | Deleted user

    2017 Annual Membership Dues are now 50% off! Use code APRA2017 for the discount. Visit our Membership page for details!

  • 06/28/2017 11:20 AM | Deleted user

    The workshop will be held in the Seitz Conference Center, which is within Andorfer Commons. A map of campus can be found here

    The address is 1600 E Washington Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46803 which will get you to campus. Please refer to the map to get to Andorfer Commons. The Seitz Center is on the second floor immediately to the right if you are taking the main staircase. Registration and breakfast will take place in Seitz 207.

    Here is the day's agenda

    8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration & Breakfast

    9:00 a.m. Welcome

    9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Breakout Session #1      

    Knowing Your Audience (basic); Louise Jackson, Peabody Home Foundation

    Leveraging Your Database (advanced); Tanya Ford, Taylor University

    10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Break & Networking

    10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. Breakout Session #2     

    Philanthropy Across Generations: Understanding Intergenerational Values (basic); James Cramer, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network

    Strategic Planning: How Do We Plan for the Shop of 2022? (advanced); Karen Isble, University of Michigan

    11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch/Presentation       

    A Sneak Peek into How Development Officers Use Prospect Research; Laura Macknick, Macknick Philanthropy Advisors

    1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Break & Networking

    1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Keynote Presentation

    Campaigns and Prospect Development; Karen Isble, University of Michigan

    2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Break & Networking

    2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Breakout Session #3

    Research Methods for Improving Strategic Funding Proposals (basic); Brad Oliver, The Summit

    Researching Compensation via Public Filings (advanced); Lonnie Leeper, University of St. Francis; Greg Smith, University of St. Francis

    3:30 p.m. Wrap-up & Evaluations

    Be sure to use #apraINskills17 when posting about the event on social media!

  • 06/28/2017 8:52 AM | Deleted user

    New job announcements have been added to our Jobs page:

    Development Coordinator - Kappa Delta Pi

    Database/Donor Communications Manager - The Wesleyan Church Headquarters

  • 06/06/2017 10:54 AM | Deleted user

    This year's Skills Workshop to be held on June 29 at Indiana Tech in Ft. Wayne has been approved for 5.75 CFRE credits! Check out this event here, and register soon! 

  • 06/06/2017 10:20 AM | Deleted user

    Several new jobs have been posted on our website! Click here for details.

    Director, Prospect Management - University of Notre Dame

    Senior Director of Research and Prospect Management - DePauw University

    Director of Philanthropy - Psi Upsilon Foundation

  • 05/22/2017 12:04 PM | Deleted user

    Join us in Fort Wayne this June for Apra Indiana’s biggest event of the year! The skills workshop provides two tracks of content for everyone from development professionals at small organizations who want to dig deeper into the field to seasoned researchers from large institutions. Choose one track or feel free to move between the basic and advanced tracks to attend whatever sessions interest you most.

    We are excited to have Apra International past president Karen Isble join us as our keynote speaker. She will be joined by seven other presenters who will share their knowledge related to prospect research, data analytics, relationship management, and campaigns.

    Apra Indiana Skills Workshop
    Indiana Tech, Fort Wayne, IN

    June 29, 2017

    8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

    Cost: $50 (member)/$65 (non-member)

    Register today to reserve your spot! Registration closes June 22.

  • 05/11/2017 7:16 PM | Deleted user

    University Advancement at the University of Indianapolis seeks applications for a Development Officer & Gift Planner. This is a full-time, exempt staff position with full benefits including tuition for employee and eligible dependents and generous 403(b) contribution following one year of employment.

    Apply electronically at https://jobs.uindy.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

  • 04/25/2017 10:20 AM | Deleted user

    For those attending the Apra Indiana Spring Conference tomorrow at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis:

    Arrive between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. for registration and breakfast

    Please use the hashtag #aprainspring17 on all social media

    Directions to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis can be found here. Parking is free. Enter the Museum through the skywalk and check in at the security office (at the bottom of the ramp turn left). After you check in head toward the Food Court. An Apra Indiana Board Member will be there to greet you.

    Come ready to learn and have some great conversations with fellow researchers!

  • 04/17/2017 12:05 PM | Deleted user

    Congratulations to Sondra Solloway at St. Mary’s College for winning the 2017 Kathy K. Wilson Scholarship! She has earned the opportunity to attend one of our events this year for free! Watch for an article in an upcoming Apra Indiana newsletter written by Sondra about her experience at the event. And be sure to congratulate her when you see her!

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