Apra Indiana Committee Descriptions

Please contact apra.indiana@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering 

Communications Committee
The communications committee works to provide detailed and thorough communications to the entire Indiana chapter through quarterly newsletters, email updates and social media. The committee works with other researchers and data analysts to provide new and helpful articles to improve the skills and knowledge of our members, provide updates on upcoming events, recognize our members and share the work of the entire chapter. As a member of the committee you have input into the content and design of the newsletters, social media posts and work with other committees to help promote their activities through email updates. 

Programming Committee 
The programming committee is responsible for planning and executing two events each year for Apra Indiana. Those events include the Spring Conference, Skills Workshop, and Annual Meeting. The planning for these events includes everything from choosing a date and reserving space to scheduling speakers and setting menus. The committee also works the day of the event, or secures volunteers to help, in order to make sure everything runs smoothly for all attendees. Each event has a coordinator who works with the committee members and other volunteers to ensure that each event is a success – providing education and networking for the attendees and representing Apra Indiana in a professional and organized manner.  

Awards Committee
The awards committee works to recognize members for their dedication to the prospect research industry. There are two specific awards the committee publicizes, review applications and awards on an annual basis. These are the Kathy K. Wilson Scholarship and Apra Indiana Service Award. The Kathy K. Wilson scholarship allows a member to attend an Apra Indiana event free of charge. There is information on the Apra Indiana website on how to apply for the scholarship. The Service Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the field and the Apra organization. Additional awards may be developed and awarded if agreed upon by the committee and the Board. 

Membership/Mentorship Committee

The membership committee is tasked with retaining current members by stewarding their relationship with Apra Indiana and with increasing overall membership numbers. This committee works with all other committees to relay questions, concerns, accolades, and suggestions from members. Our membership is our foundation. This foundation must be maintained which provides the opportunity for committee members to work with our colleagues in Advancement all year long.  

The mentorship committee works to create beneficial working relationships between Apra Indiana members. The purpose of these relationships is the diffusion of research related skills and knowledge in order to help members to be more efficient and proficient researchers. Members of the committee try to pair mentees with mentors that will help them to achieve their research related goals. 

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