• 11/10/2017 12:02 PM | Deleted user

    Share your knowledge and expertise at the 2018 NEDRA Conference, to be held Thursday April 26th and Friday April 27th, 2018 at the Hotel Viking in Newport, RI.

    Proposal guidelines:

    • Proposed presentations should be on a topic related to fundraising research, prospect management, fundraising data, or analytics and fit within the conference’s four tracks: Prospect Research, Prospect Management, Fundraising Data Science, and Innovations & Trends.
    • Educational sessions will be 60 minutes in length.
    • Full presentations will be due to NEDRA in late March.
    • Presentations from organizations of all sizes and types are welcome.
    • For-profit vendors/consultants are eligible to submit proposals for educational conference sessions. However, educational sessions must not include any marketing or product demonstration. NOTE: To present a product-related session, please contact Sponsorship Chairs Ian Wells (ian@iantwells.com) or Bill Gotfredson (william.gotfredson@chtrust.org).

    This is a great opportunity to share your unique skills, expertise and best practices with our community. Please submit a short summary of your proposed presentation and a brief speaker bio here: http://www.nedra.org/conference_speaker_proposals.

    The proposal deadline is Friday, January 12, 2018.

    Questions? Contact NEDRA Conference Co-Chairs Susan Grivno (susan.grivno@unh.edu) or Erin Dupuis (dupuise@merrimack.edu). 

  • 11/10/2017 12:00 PM | Deleted user

    Don't miss this year's Apra Indiana Annual Meeting which will take place Tuesday, December 5, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Fort Harrison State Park in Indianapolis.

    Registration is now open and is only $30 for members and $35 for non-members. Registration closes November 28, so don't delay!  Join us at for a year in review and a chance to network with your research peers. There will be great presentations on public speaking from Graham Honaker of Toastmasters and women's philanthropy from Michele Boillotat and Helen Ksiazek of the IU Foundation, in addition to a small-shop panel. We hope to see you there!

  • 11/10/2017 11:58 AM | Deleted user

    All 2017 Apra Indiana members are now able to cast their votes for our board members! We have seven candidates and you can vote for up to seven. You can view information about the candidates and find a link to the ballot here. You will need to log in to the website to access the page.

    Voting closes on December 4, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. EST.

  • 11/06/2017 11:52 AM | Deleted user

    New jobs have been added on the Jobs Board. Check them out!

  • 10/12/2017 11:36 AM | Deleted user

    There is a new opportunity for a freelance project at the Museum of Modern Art posted on the Jobs page. Check it out here.

  • 10/10/2017 2:25 PM | Deleted user

    Apra is seeking presenters for Prospect Development 2018! This is an excellent opportunity to gain some low pressure professional development experience and to share some of your knowledge and experience!

    If you are interested please follow this link to submit a proposal: http://www.aprahome.org/pd18callforspeakers   

    The call for speakers ends on Monday, October 23. You can contact Stephanie Brouwer at Stephanie.Brouwer@uwci.org with any questions you might have. She presented at the 2017 conference and is on the committee planning for next year.

  • 09/27/2017 2:37 PM | Deleted user

    Please join Apra-Great Plains for their first ever Webinar Fest! Save the date and join us for an educational week of free live, interactive webinars featuring insights from some of the nation’s leading prospect development professionals. 

    More information can be found here.

  • 09/27/2017 2:32 PM | Deleted user

    If you live in the Indy area and are interested in talking shop during lunch, Sam Lame and Cathy Spieth would love to schedule lunch to meet more members. They work at Riley Children’s Foundation; consequently, we are interested in meeting for lunch in the downtown Indy area. Email Cathy if you want to be included on the lunch appointment invite.

  • 09/27/2017 2:29 PM | Deleted user

    If there are multiple applicants for the Kathy K. Wilson Scholarship and the Service Award, Cathy Spieth will need committee members who do not have a conflict of interest to serve on her committee in October. The work will be done via email. Contact Cathy at cspieth@rileykids.org for more information or to join the committee.

  • 09/27/2017 2:27 PM | Deleted user

    The Apra Indiana Service Award is designed to recognize a member of the prospect research community who has demonstrated leadership, dedication, and commitment to the field. If you believe there is a current, or former, member who deserves to be recognized for their contributions to Apra and the field of prospect research, please consider nominating them for the Service Award. Information on this award is on the Members Only area of the website, found here.

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