Apra Indiana is excited to offer a new professional development series in 2021 focused on the popular StrengthsFinder assessment. Join Apra Indiana Vice President and Treasurer, Stephanie Brouwer, who is a certified Gallup Strengths coach as she presents a monthly series focused on StrengthsFinder (as well as other personality assessments) to help you understand how to apply your greatest talents.
This series will be held at 11am EST the first Wednesday of every month starting on February 3, 2021 and ending on June 2, 2021.
If you are interested in attending this series please complete the following two forms. The first is the registration form to sign up for the Zoom events. The second is a Google form to provide more information if you need to take the Strengths assessment. Both forms need to be completed no later than Monday, February 1, 2021 by 5pm EST.
StrengthsFinder Workshop Zoom Registration Form
StrengthsFinder Workshop Application Form
Note- in order to participate in this workshop series you will need complete the StrengthsFinder assessment and have access to at least your top five strengths. If you have not completed the StrengthsFinder assessment, all Apra Indiana members are able to apply for the cost to be reimbursed through Apra Indiana's Professional Development Fund.
Please contact Stephanie Brouwer with any questions.

StrengthsFinder Workshop Schedule
Note- all workshops will take place from 11am EST to 12pm EST
Wednesday, February 3, 2021: Kickoff to Strengths
Wednesday, March 3, 2021: The Shadow Side of Strengths
Wednesday, April 7, 2021: Leading with your Strengths
Wednesday, May 5, 2021: How to Leverage Your Strengths
Wednesday, June 2, 2021: Creating Strengths based goals
If you are not able to make any of the dates, please still register for the series. All content will be shared with registrants of the series.